Constitutional Monarchy

A constitutional monarchy is when a ruler runs a country, but does so with regards to a constitution. Unlike an absolute monarchy, a constitutional monarchy ruler doesn’t have all the power. They use a constitution to help in the decision making process. In the Bible, there were many examples of monarchies in the Old and New Testament. There were many empires that can be considered to be similar to a type of monarchy. The Egyptians, Romans, and Babylonians are examples of empires with a ruler who ruled in accordance to a so called constitution or other type of law.

Another example of constitutional monarchies in the Bible would be in the Old Testament where God appointed numerous judges to rule over Israel. There was a total of 12 judges who helped lead and deliver Israel out of their current state of sin. One of the main judges, Gideon, helped deliver the Israelites from the Midianites. He was a main leader who the Israelites looked to, yet he didn’t have all the power. He based many of his decisions off of what God had told him to do. In many ways, this is similar to a constitutional monarchy.

Although there were many examples of monarchies before, the Israelites truly became a monarchy when they anointed their first king. Saul was anointed as the first king of Israel, followed by David and then Solomon. None of these kings had absolute power over Israel. They always looked to God and made their decisions based off of what God had told them. This is very similar to a constitutional monarchy.

In Romans 13: 1-2, God says that no matter the government or leader people should submit to their authority and be respectful. With a constitutional monarchy, some people may disagree, but it is important to remember to be respectful. Those who rebel against authority, in a sense, rebel against God. Even if people were to disagree, they should submit to their authorities and be polite. All of these biblical reasons are why a constitutional monarchy would be a great idea in various countries.

Logically, I think that a constitutional monarchy works better than an absolute monarchy because of the fact that the leader doesn’t truly have all the power. When a leader has all the power over the people, it can create many conflicts between the people and the leader. But when a leader doesn’t have as much power, there aren’t as many conflicts that could happen. The power is split up and it allows it to be more evenly balanced. With the balance of power, more people can be involved and speak up in the government.

A constitutional monarchy, like any other form of government, has various pros and cons, but I think it is a great type of government that could be helpful for different countries.


My Ideal Government

In a perfect world, we would have a government that runs the country in the best way possible with very few problems that arise. But because we live in a world that isn’t perfect, the government doesn’t always make the best decisions. In addition to that, people don’t always agree on various ideas and topics. So we need to make the government in a way where the least amount of problems come up.

In an ideal community, the people are the best way to help decide on the kind of government to have. As stated by Abraham Lincoln, the best type of government is a government by the people and for the people.  I think it’s important to make sure that people feel like their opinions are being heard, so I think voting would be the best way to decide on what kind of government to have. It’s valuable to have people voting for all levels of government, starting from the mayor of their community all the way up to the President of the United States. After the votes are collected and counted, the majority will win.

While it is essential to vote for the President, it is just as relevant to vote for the local mayor in the community. Many times, people will only vote during the national campaigns and they won’t participate in local elections. The local government lays the foundation for national policies and without it, major government decisions wouldn’t be able to be made. Local governments act as a mediator or an advocate to the national government about decisions that need to be addressed.

The government should be making decisions that are good for the people. While it is hard to take everyone’s opinion and make a decision where everyone agrees, it is still important that the government listens to the people as best as they can. I also think that the government can be more invested in people’s lives to make it more personal. If the government isn’t involved in people’s lives, what will happen when something big happens? Who are the people going to go to for help or support?

Just as the government needs to be invested in the people’s lives, the people need to be equally invested in the government.  When people are more interested in the government, they have a better understanding of what is going on in the world around them. Because everyone is different, there may be some people who aren’t interested in government and some people who don’t want anything to do with it. While this is understandable, it is also important to consider that if people don’t vote or if they aren’t involved, they can’t complain if something doesn’t go their way.

Lastly, no matter who the leader is or what type of government it is, it’s important for us to respect our authorities even if we don’t agree with them. Just like it says in Romans 13: 1-2, we need to honor our authorities because they are above us.